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2010 ARCTIC CAT Z1 Turbo Sno Pro Limited.
2010 ARCTIC CAT Z1 Turbo Sno Pro Limited
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Address: Delano, MN Body Style: Snowmobile
Item Class: Snowmobiles All
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Simply calling this sled fast is like calling the sun hot. The Z1 Turbo Sno Pro. Limited is one of the Worlds Fastest Snowmobiles. Of course the key to such intense energy is the bold 4-stroke Z1 turbo engine. This snow-blasting beast tops the 177 horsepower benchmark with ease. FOX Float. ski shocks provide perfect suspension and handling through the turns with quick-adjust air technology. The Deluxe Gauge in this monster features analog and digital readouts, fuel level, and altimeter, reverse indicator and warning lights. And the 128 inch Cobra track with 1.25 inch lugs gives you the ultimate grip when those 177 horses kick in. Thankfully, an adjustable 5 inch handlebar riser is there to allow you the customizable grip you need. The Z1 Turbo Sno Pro Limited is redefining what fast means.
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