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2010 ARCTIC CAT Crossfire 6.
2010 ARCTIC CAT Crossfire 6
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Address: Delano, MN Body Style: Snowmobile
Item Class: Snowmobiles All
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Every bit of powder will feel your fury. At least when you unleash the Crossfire on it. This sled has the perfect combination of trail-riding maneuverability and powder-riding force. Hang on tight while the 600 laydown engine - a two-stroke, 599 cubic centimeter, liquid twin - not only lowers your center of gravity, but also features an Exhaust Pipe Temperature Sensor which optimizes performance during that wintry joyride. Combine this with the AWS VI double-wishbone front suspension sporting FOX. Zero Pro (IFP) shocks and a 141 inch single-ply Cobra track with 1.25 inch lugs and you'll be able to hug trails and dig into deep powder with the power of a polar bear. The Crossfire 6 won't weigh down the blazing-fast ride that you're looking for in a crossover sled.
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