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2010 ARCTIC CAT M8 162.
2010 ARCTIC CAT M8 162
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Address: Bloomfield Hil, MI Body Style: Snowmobile
Item Class: Snowmobiles All
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You were destined for a higher calling. Call it fate. Call it karma. You were born to take that mountain on the M8 162-inch. An all-new lightweight H.O. 800 laydown engine adjusts to temperature and altitude, giving you a range of arenas to play in. An independent third-party, DynoTech Research, easily saw 160 horsepower. That's 10-percent more horsepower than last year. This expert-grade mountain sled also has the industry-leading horsepower that you crave in a machine of this caliber. Its push-button engine reverse is slick and shaves eight pounds off your overall weight when tearing up that hill. The 15-inch wide, 162-inch long Power Claw® track digs into deep powder like you're slicing through butter. Plus, the new lightweight running boards and FOX Float® rear skid make for a lighter machine without sacrificing superior strength. Add it all up and the M8 162-inch is the sled of choice for answering the call of the mountain.
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