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SnowmobileLifestyle Search Engine

2001 Arctic Cat Thundercat 1000.
2001 Arctic Cat Thundercat 1000
More 2001 Arctic Cat's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Coldwater, MI Mileage: 5,898
Engine: 999cc, liquid-cooled trip
Body Style: Snowmobile Item Class: Snowmobiles All
Primary Color: Black Weight: 575
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Photo #0062516A Photo #0062516B
LEAVE YOUR FRIENDS IN A CLOUD OF SMOKE ON THIS SHARP LOOKING BEAST OF A SLED!! - Until now, the biggest thing holding back the awesome acceleration of the Thundercat's 999cc case-reed engine was the strength of your thumb. Now, thanks to a trio of Mikuni TM flat slide carbs, that's history. And this year the reigning NSSR world speed record holder also has new 3D digital ignition. Plus our AWSTM V front suspension -- with our new Arctic Cat gas shocks. This is one triple that can sprint along the straightaways and sashay around the corners with equal ease.
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