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2009 SKI-DOO GSX Sport 500SS.
2009 SKI-DOO GSX Sport 500SS
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Address: Mason, MI Body Style: Snowmobile
Item Class: Snowmobiles All
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WE KNOW YOU WANT THE BEST EXPERIENCE OUT THERE.WHICH IS WHY WE PACKED A LOT IN HERE.Who says high performance and a high level of comfort can't go hand in hand? The 2009 GSX. pulls off both quite nicely. We started with the muscular REV-XR platform. Picture the REV-XP with an extra dose of refinement. The GSX is ultra-lightweight and responsive, with eight inches of extra legroom for more comfort and less rider fatigue. Plus, it's got added features like high-tech multifunction gauges, new 5.7 SL Pilot skis to prevent darting and bump-melting SC-5 rear suspension. We even improved wind protection. Also new this year is your choice of the most fuel-efficient engines in the industry. The REV-XP is powered by a cleaner-burning two-stroke, the Rotax. 600 H.O. E-TEC engine. Whereas the REV-XR is powered by a new high-performance four-stroke engine, the fuel-efficient Rotax. 1200 4-TEC. Add it all up and you've got the makings of one heck of a ride. No matter what kind of rider you are.
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